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QoW game 4 and end results

The final game of the day saw me remain on the top table against Gary. He was running a strong Twighlight Kin army with abyssal allies:


Spearmen –Brew of Strength260

Crossbowmen –Brew of Keen-eyedness295

ALLY:Lower Abyssals 200


Dark Knights –Maccwar’s Potion of the Caterpillar 230


Gargoyles –Warbow of Kaba 85


Dark Lord on Battle Dragon –Ensorcelled Armour345

Dark Lordon Battle Dragon–Medallion of Life345

High Priestess –Inspiring Talisman, Bane Chant 105


Efreet 135

This game was straight up kill. I had said at the beginning my army would have trouble in loot/pillage but would do well in kill/dominate/invade. So far I had been wrong about this so I wasnt feeling particularly confident going into this one. I had played Gary and his kin a year ago in Bristol, at that time he was only running one dragon, but he had beaten me then. This time around I knew his dragons would play a large roll in this game so decided to focus largely on them.

I took these pictures during Gary's turn 1 (he went 1st). Quickly he moved the crossbowmen onto the hill and proceeded to shoot at my Werewolves.

on his left he deployed his light fast troops

Overview after Gary's turn 1

Turn 1 (different angle)

I knew I couldn't hang back with that shooting plinking away at the were wolves so I moved the wraiths up to threaten the light troops on the left and brought the vampire towards the middle to help if Gary decided to engage with his dragon in the centre. I threatened this dragons with my wraiths hoping to wither force a retreat or bait out a charge.

Unfortunately I failed to take more pictures. This game was key if I was to do well in the tournament, so I was more focused on the game than taking pictures (apologies). SO Gary did indeed commit on turn 3. Charging the wraiths behind the obstacle with his cavalry and flying over with the gargoyles. I felt this was a bad move as it removed his thunderous charge and took the sting out of their attack. He also committed the dragons at this time into the wraiths in the middle and the vampire on the far right. All these units held and this spelt the end for Gary's dragons and ultimately the game. Had Gary held off for a turn by backing off I feel this game could have gone his way. As it was he was scrambling to make up for the loss of his dragons (half his armies points were held in these) . In the end I managed to route every unit to give me a 19-1 win.

This large win put me in 1st place. I was surprised as there were a good number of good players with strong lists. What can I say, sometimes the dice are with you and things go your way, this was one of those days for me.

Here are the final standings:

Here's the cup

The Bristol contingent that I drove over managed to take home 1st, 2nd, 3rd Best painted and best sport trophies.

MAtt taking 2nd- Dan 3rd Best painted and Sports! Not sure how the locals took this ;)

All in all an great tournament, very well organised by Adam and a superb venue. I look forward to the next one!

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