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Christmas Carnage Game 1

Christmas Carnage is a Tournament that Matt James has been running at Bristol Independent Gaming for 2 years now. From my past experiences this is always a fun one. Matt makes Christmas costume mandatory, well imposes a tournament point deduction to anyone not wearing something remotely Christmassy. Needless to say the dress-up, mince pies and the festive cheer made for a good fun atmosphere. Registration was between 9 and 9:30, as I live 5 mins away from B.I.G it wasn't a strenuous start. So geared up with my festive santa earmuffs I went into game 1 against Andy's Goblin list.

Heres what I took for the day followed by Andy's

So this list is a bit different from the one I took to the Queens of War tournament a few weeks ago (see previous blog entries). I decided to drop out one of the mounted vamps for a flying Revenant King on undead Wyrm, swap out the Caterpillar Soulreavers for Caterpillar Werewolves and finally the Revenant King on horse for a flying Pharaoh.

Unfortunately Andy submitted his list on the day so I dont have a copy of it. I'll see if I can remember it from the pictures:

x2 Flea Bag rider troops 1 with crystal pendant of retribution

x1 mounted Flaggit with dragon diadem

x2 hordes of sharp sticks 1 with brew of strength (maybe)

x2 hordes of spitters 1 with keen eye the other with sharpness

x2 wiz with bane and lightning

x1 flaggit with boomstick

x2 rock thrower

x2 sharpstick thrower


x1 goblin chariot king

x1 regiment of sharpsticks or rabble

x1 regiment of fleabag riders

The first Match was Kill:

During this tournament I failed to take as many pictures as the last one so the reports will be more generalised with highlights rather than a turn by turn run down.

I knew Andy had a huge number of drops so decided to largely ignore his unit positioning and have my own plan. I decided to split up the werewolf flanking force and give each a unit of wraiths as cover/backup and on the right side backed them up further with the vampire.

I went first and advanced slowly along my lines very uneventful and I kept them out of range of his flanking force on my right. Just moving up enough to threaten. I left the goblin king in range of the wraiths/pharaoh but left the giant just out. On my left I moved up leaving the wraiths in range of the fleabags. I underestimated what they could do ...

So to start with Andy began by advancing quickly on both flanks- to my left the fleabags and mounted flaggit and on my right the giant and king on chariot. The king charged the Pharaoh and the fleabags troops charged the wraith on the right.

I was thinking the my right side would be fine but i critically forgot about the crystal pendant, opps!

The chariot wounded the pharaoh, pinning him in place, I felt confident this side would mop up quickly but brought my revenant king on wyrm over as his war machines were peppering my army and I was starting to worry they'd get lucky on the proceeding turns.

Missing pictures* Having forgot about the crystal pendant i send the werewolves into them and the wraiths into the left over troop (only wavering them). The werewolves routed the troop carrying the pendant and of course it blew up doing 9 damage :S. The nerve roll saw them wavered. I decided to send the wraiths over the wavered remaining troop of fleabag riders into the regiment as they looked the bigger threat at this point.

On the far right the goblin king held on longer than the giant to slow the undead march somewhat. The giant didn't survive the 1st charge as a dragon in the flank can add a fair amount of damage :)

the revking and vampire continued to mince through the warmachines and then lined up to deal with the spitter hordes who had made fairly quick work of the horde of revenants. I decided to park the mummies behind the obstacle to hopefully last out another round of shooting. In the mean time the fleabag riders that were left charged the werewolves who couldn't take any more punishment. They only took 1 wound but this was enough to force a test and an average roll saw them off.

Things were looking better on the right side

The mounted flaggit with diadem was proving to be a nuisance so I flew the wraiths (who had previously dealt with the fleabag riders (with a high nerve roll I suspect) into the Flaggit.

As the rabble/sharpsticks failed to do a wound the wraiths flew off

Needless to say after my right foce cleared out the remains of the sharpstick horde and the warmachines they proceeded to mop up the board. End result was a 17-3 in my favor.

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