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Christmas Carnage Game 3

This game saw me against another fellow club mate George and his Night Stalkers. I have played George a few times before and knew this game would be tough. Having played this list before gave me a good idea on what I needed to do to dampen the impact the mindscreeches would have.

Here's Georges list:

So this game was to be control. As we both had a low number of drops I figured we were on an even standing - had I been playing a goblin army or Matts Rats I may have had an uphill battle, so at least I things were good on that front. Unfortunately I was getting vertigo from being on the top table for too long and as a result failed to take many pictures for this game, apologies.

So for deployment I piled most of my force opposite Georges mind screeches. Having played George a few times before I knew he liked to position the mindscreeches in the middle. It was a tight squeeze as there was blocking terrain on either side making a narrow field to march (or shamble) forward. George picked sides and had a nice hill to deploy his ogres on, I knew I couldnt just ignore them, but at the same time I couldn't commit too much to dealing with them, knowing how potent mindscreeches can be. So I send a troop of wraiths and the pharaoh after them. George countered the wraiths with the phantoms and I charged on forward with the pharaoh to disrupt the ogres.

I advanced slowly at first hanging back just out of 18 in order to make the mind screeches move before their first volley however I advanced a horde of werewolves up to an obstacle within 18 to threaten them on the following turn. This was a gamble as I knew the mindscreeches had the power to delete them even hitting on 5s but I had to threaten them early. As it happens he managed to waver them which ended up being worse than routing them as that prevented my vampire charging them on the following turn, forcing me to wait 1 more turn before my mindscreech strike.

My Left side continued their march towards George's flank, looking to cause a threat and force George to commit something and draw some attention away from my Mindscreech strike force . At this time George began to commit his butchers towards the middle looking to slow down my approach.

George proceeded to throw the nightmares, fiends and one of the butcher horde in to slow my progress. I had been surging the revenants forward as much as possible using them to screen my more fragile units behind. As it happens the revenants over performed and took a real beating from the butchers and fiends and eventually routed the butchers again life leech 2 coming into its own, heavily damaged fiends were then charged by the revenant king finishing them off. Meanwhile on the far right the the phantoms failed to route the wraiths, George fluffing his nerve tests, me fluffing my damage rolls. But fluffing damage is not as bad as fluffing nerve and in the end my wraiths got lucky and routed the phantoms, had they not held up the right side I would have had to have turned around and dealt with them, likely using the vampire, but it would have been an nuisance I wouldn't have wanted to have deal with.

George was forced to shoot at least one of the mindscreech's into the already heavily damaged revenants as they were in range to charge the following turn. I had previously charged the revenant king into the far right mindscreech but unfortunately didn't do enough damage to route it in the preceding turns before being shot off the board. Having dealt with the butchers and now pinning the nightmares down with the mummies the vamp was free to disorder one of the mind screeches.

On the far left I charged the wraiths into the front of the fiends, hoping to pin them in place for a werewolf flank charge and at the very least keeping them from charging the werewolves before they could get the first charge.

As it happens the fiends only did 4 wounds and rolled just shy of the nerve needed, This spelt the end of them due to the werewolf flank charge.

Now it was just about finishing off those pesky mindscreeches.

Heavy casualties have been taken...

on both sides...

At the end of the game there was just the nightmares and one mindscreech for George. I had more control points so won the scenario. The final score was 17-3 to me. Things were really going well for me today!

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